Nova Talent

Women Leaders

Hören Sie zu und erfahren Sie bemerkenswerte Geschichten von Frauenführern im Nova-Netzwerk. Entdecken Sie ihre Karrierewege, Herausforderungen und Erkenntnisse, die inspirieren und motivieren.

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Neueste Folgen

Feb 10, 2022

EP 11 - On finding mentors in a male-dominated industry and working following your values with Maria Perez Hultström

S1 E11 • 28 mins

Oct 28, 2021

EP 10 - On the wonders of learning languages, growing within a company, and the future of technology with Silvia Mouronte Arcones

S1 E10 • 24 mins

Aug 25, 2021

EP 9 - On being an Amazonian and ex-Googler, the art of learning new languages, and viewing tech companies from the inside with Giulia Voza

S1 E9 • 25 mins

Jul 19, 2021

EP 8 - On being a social entrepreneur on the field of education, the importance of teamwork, and making an impact on your community.

S1 E8 • 24 mins

Jun 9, 2021

EP 7 - On becoming a lawyer at two different countries, the importance of networking, and believing you can achieve greatness with Annette Herrera

S1 E7 • 25 mins
