The Amazing Mr. Malone (also known as Murder and Mr. Malone) is an American radio crime drama series based on the John Malone series of mystery novels by Craig Rice. The series began on ABC in 1948 and was broadcast on NBC Radio in 1951. Socialite John Joseph Malone (Gene Raymond, George Petrie, Frank Lovejoy) is a tough Chicago criminal lawyer who takes on a new case in each episode. Malone never gives up until justice is done. Gene Wang wrote for the program. The Malone character first appeared in the book Eight Faces at Three in 1939. The Amazing Mr. Malone was developed by Bernard L. Schubert.
- 135Decreased by 16
- 41Decreased by 5
Neueste Folgen
Jun 20, 2020
The Amazing Mr Malone_51-06-08_(172)_Seek And Ye Shall Find
29 mins
Jun 20, 2020
The Amazing Mr Malone_51-05-25_(171)_A Strong Offence Is The Best Defence
30 mins
Jun 20, 2020
The Amazing Mr Malone_48-08-28_(086)_Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
31 mins
Jun 20, 2020
The Amazing Mr Malone_47-05-24_(020)_Mr Morgan, The Cheat
27 mins
Jun 20, 2020
The Amazing Mr Malone_ xx-xx-xx_(xxx) Murder and Mr. Malone Charles Morgan
30 mins