Begleite Wes, Payton und Jake, während sie skurrile Fragen zu Gesundheit, Kino, Träumen und dem Zweck des Podcasts angehen und dabei nachvollziehbare Einblicke und Lacher bieten.
EP 84: THE IMPACT OF STORYTELLING (the importance of stories, what stories have impacted our lives, how we think, etc)
49 mins • Aug 23, 2022
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Aug 23, 2022
EP 84: THE IMPACT OF STORYTELLING (the importance of stories, what stories have impacted our lives, how we think, etc)
49 mins

Aug 16, 2022
EP 83: WHAT IS STRANGER THINGS? (is it bigger than the show, at this point? does the quality even matter anymore? etc)
S3 E83 • 49 mins

Aug 9, 2022
EP 82: BULLET TRAIN REVIEW (spoiler free discussion followed by full review)
S3 E82 • 38 mins

Aug 2, 2022
EP 81: RED RISING REVIEW (spoiler free discussion, Pierce's writing style, how we felt about the characters and world, favorite scene, etc)
S3 E81 • 74 mins

Jul 23, 2022
EP 80: NOPE movie review (spoiler-free section, our thoughts on Jordan Peele's filmography, and full in-depth analysis and rating)
S3 E80 • 46 mins

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