Des Latham

The Battle of Stalingrad

Unisciti a Des Latham mentre esplora una delle confrontazioni più significative della storia, condividendo intuizioni e storie che illuminano l'impatto di questa battaglia fondamentale.

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Episode 34 - The Battle of Stalingrad ends and the world changes

26 mins • Feb 7, 2021

Episodi recenti

Feb 7, 2021

Episode 34 - The Battle of Stalingrad ends and the world changes

26 mins

Jan 31, 2021

Episode 33 - Field Marshal Paulus surrenders but the northern pocket fights on

22 mins

Jan 24, 2021

Episode 32 - Goebbels declares “Total War” as crows peck at the eyeballs of the dead

22 mins

Jan 17, 2021

Episode 31 - Pitomnik Airfield overrun and Major Thiel talks to dead men at Gumrak

19 mins

Jan 10, 2021

Episode 30 - Voronov’s “God of War” turns the melody of the front into a real-world Goya nightmare

20 mins

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