Through The Trees with Holly

Partecipa a discussioni interessanti con ospiti su temi naturali, dalla fauna selvatica nei Yorkshire Dales ai benefici per la salute delle foreste.

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Through the Trees - An Introduction to Birch

S2 E1 • 2 mins • Jun 22, 2021


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Episodi recenti

Jun 22, 2021

Through the Trees - An Introduction to Birch

S2 E1 • 2 mins

Apr 5, 2021

Episode 8 - A chat with Mike Toms from the British Trust for Ornithology about the changing in bird populations, garden bird food advice and

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Mar 22, 2021

Episode 7 - A chat with Susan from the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary about why ringing birds is important, what we can all do in our gardens to help wildlife and the best place for Barn Owl boxes.

S1 E7 • 25 mins

Mar 15, 2021

Episode 6 - A chat with Dean Kirkland from The Woodland Trust talking all things hedgerows, healthy woodlands, ash dieback and deadwood.

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Mar 1, 2021

Episode 5 - A chat with Katie Rees about nature and our wellbeing

S1 E5 • 18 mins

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