"Christie's Conundrums" is a unique podcast series that delves into the fascinating realm of speculative fiction, each episode weaving a new short story around a central question: What would Agatha Christie do if...? Set against a backdrop of mystery and intrigue, this series imagines the iconic detective novelist in scenarios that stretch the boundaries of her usual milieu. From Christie solving a cyber-crime in futuristic Tokyo to her navigating political intrigue aboard an interstellar spacecraft, each episode crafts a narrative that blends classic Christie-style deduction with imaginative settings and challenges. Listeners will follow Christie as she encounters the unknown and unthinkable, applying her unrivaled skills of deduction and insight into human nature to solve mysteries that transcend time and space. Whether it's determining who sabotaged a Mars colony's life support system or uncovering the truth behind a series of AI-generated crimes in a digital world, "Christie's Conundrums" promises a thrilling adventure that both honors and redefines her legacy. Join us as we explore how Christie's sharp mind and timeless techniques fare against the backdrop of the utterly unexpected.
- 157Decreased by 4
- 51Decreased by 1
Episodi recenti
Apr 23, 2024
The Mysterious Affair at Hawthorne Manor
15 mins