Glen Reed, M.A. Stanford University

GoTTalkPod. Not your father's ASOIAF pod.

A Song of Ice and Fire literary analysis and insight. ASOIAF/Game of Thrones books stand on the shoulders of literary giants--Homer, Dante, Joyce, Vonnegut, Melville. Or if that's not enough, how about a heaping helping of Plato? We analyze these literary and philosophical forerunners and show their influences on GRRM's series. Understanding the books' literary DNA opens up entirely new vistas and interpretations of characters and events throughout the series. Grappling with the literary and philosophical elements in the series give the stories meaning and relevance in our own lives, today.

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Jul 26, 2022

01.12 Tyrion 1/Ch.9 When Hell Really Is Other People

S1 E12 • 46 mins

Jul 1, 2022

01.11 Bran 2/Ch.8 When Opposite Twins Attract: Bran, Ishmael, Perspective and Interpretation

S1 E11 • 50 mins

May 22, 2022

01.10 Arya 1/Ch.7 *PART TWO* Plato's Republic and Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

S1 E10 • 73 mins

Apr 2, 2022

01.09 Arya 1/Ch.7 *PART ONE* Communication and Rhetoric as Themes in Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

S1 E9 • 44 mins

Mar 20, 2022

01.08 Game of Thrones Catelyn 2/Ch.6 Re-Read from an Academic, Literary Perspective

38 mins
