Erforschen Sie Einblicke in das Karrierewachstum und die Führung in der VFX-Industrie durch anregende Gespräche mit Mentoren, die Themen von der Jobsuche bis hin zu Aufsichtskompetenzen abdecken.
10. Cristian Spagnuolo - The state of the industry, AI, "NO CGI" and why modern movies suck!
E10 • 125 mins • Apr 28, 2024
- 200Decreased by 6
- 193Decreased by 12
- 158Decreased by 3
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Apr 28, 2024
10. Cristian Spagnuolo - The state of the industry, AI, "NO CGI" and why modern movies suck!
E10 • 125 mins

Oct 28, 2023
9. Carlos Caballero Valdés - VFX Supervisor: The role of the VFX supervisor and how to get the most out of your team
E9 • 113 mins

Sep 29, 2023
8. Communication can make you a better artist
E8 • 26 mins

Mar 16, 2023
7. Paul Wilkes - VFX Talent and Recruitment consultant: How to get a job in VFX and take the next step in your career
E7 • 88 mins

Nov 21, 2022
6. Debra Coleman - VFX Coach: Career development, leadership and how to thrive in VFX
E6 • 81 mins

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