Jessie Jones

Bedtime Banshee Podcast

Entdecken Sie gruselige Geschichten und bizarre Fakten, die Ihnen einen Schauer über den Rücken jagen. Schalten Sie jeden Sonntag ein für ein nervenaufreibendes Erlebnis auf iTunes und Soundcloud.

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Episode 8: the Halloween Special - Halloween's ghastly facts and the disappearance of Cindy Song

21 mins • Oct 28, 2018


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Oct 28, 2018

Episode 8: the Halloween Special - Halloween's ghastly facts and the disappearance of Cindy Song

21 mins

Oct 21, 2018

Episode 7: Tragedy & crotch itch at Disneyland, Grandpa cookies & socialite-killer Delphine Lalaurie

18 mins

Oct 14, 2018

Episode 6: London's Plague Pit picnic spots, an 84-year library fine and the Kindly Killer

13 mins

Oct 7, 2018

Episode 5: The Turning of the Bones, Sweden's legendary future Queen and H.H. Holmes' Murder Castle

15 mins

Sep 30, 2018

Episode 4: The Death Cult of Varanasi, Peru's "Good Hitler" and Transylvania's Blood Countess

18 mins

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