Anoop Sharma

Turbine Engines

Erforschen Sie die Vorteile von Turbinentriebwerken gegenüber Hubkolbenmotoren, mit klaren Erklärungen, die deren Effizienz- und Leistungsgewinne hervorheben.

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Why Torque Is An Important Spec For Vehicles?

7 mins • May 28, 2021

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May 28, 2021

Why Torque Is An Important Spec For Vehicles?

7 mins

May 21, 2021

Why is the shape of Helicopter’s wings important?

5 mins

May 21, 2021

What Features Make GMC Hummer EV The Best Supertruck?

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May 12, 2021

Why Turbine Engines Are Better Than Reciprocating Engines?

8 mins

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