Kanupriya and Giulia

The Rise Podcast

Entdecken Sie inspirierende Geschichten von Fachleuten, die ihren Weg zu sinnvollen Karrieren teilen und wertvolle Einblicke in nachhaltige Entscheidungen geben.

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Antaraa Vasudev: "I only recently realised that every household doesn't discuss agriculture policy at the dinner table"

S1 E6 • 28 mins • Jul 25, 2021

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Jul 25, 2021

Antaraa Vasudev: "I only recently realised that every household doesn't discuss agriculture policy at the dinner table"

S1 E6 • 28 mins

May 26, 2021

Michele Grosso: "We think we want to change the world and the world will follow us, but it isn't like that" (#5)

S1 E5 • 28 mins

Apr 23, 2021

Aditi Singh:"There's never a clear answer of what is good work and what is bad work" (#4)

S1 E4 • 27 mins

Apr 8, 2021

Marco Duso: "The moment you start working with a stronger sense of purpose, it's addictive" (#3)

S1 E3 • 21 mins

Mar 4, 2021

Michelle Heah: "The challenges in impact are of a different vein than banking" (#2)

E2 • 20 mins

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