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E:11 Demi talks: guest from HELL, being in the college newsletter, how so many confessions should stay unconfessed..
S1 E11 • 76 mins • Oct 8, 2023
- 199Decreased by 22
- 121Decreased by 14
- 164Decreased by 6
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Oct 8, 2023
E:11 Demi talks: guest from HELL, being in the college newsletter, how so many confessions should stay unconfessed..
S1 E11 • 76 mins

Oct 1, 2023
E:10 Rebecca tells us about: pedicures from hell, happy endings and why you NEED to ignore the negative opinions
S1 E10 • 62 mins

Sep 24, 2023
E:9 Liv chats with us about: college with Stavros Flatley, spiritual connections and moving away from the beauty industry
S1 E9 • 41 mins

Sep 17, 2023
E:8 Making $1000 in a week, 5 years working at sea and managing a $13mil yacht
S1 E8 • 51 mins

Sep 10, 2023
E:7 Japanese Hair-Stylist/Beautician Keiko talks: Working in Japan to London: Exploring Japanese Beauty Culture and Embracing Personal Growth
S1 E7 • 40 mins

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