Erleben Sie eindrucksvolle Predigten aus Afrika, die Botschaften der Hoffnung und des Glaubens teilen, um die Zuhörer zu inspirieren und sie näher an die Lehren Jesu zu bringen.
Day 14 Sabbath sermon called ARE YOU WITH THE WOMAN OR THE DRAGON? By Evangelist Kaunda
70 mins • Aug 23, 2021
- 58Decreased by 4
- 109Decreased by 16
- 171Decreased by 8
- 187Decreased by 16
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Aug 23, 2021
Day 14 Sabbath sermon called ARE YOU WITH THE WOMAN OR THE DRAGON? By Evangelist Kaunda
70 mins

Aug 23, 2021
Day13 lesson called The true church By Evangelist Kaunda
68 mins

Aug 20, 2021
Day 12 of Polytechnic Crusade lesson called MARKED FOREVER... Dont receive the mark of the beast... By Evangelist Kaunda
67 mins

Aug 19, 2021
Day 11 of Polytechnic Crusade lesson called MILLIONS FOOLED BY A Evangelist Kaunda on 18th August 2021
61 mins

Aug 18, 2021
Day 10 of Polytechnic Crusade lesson called CREATED FOR SOMETHING BETTER by Evangelist Kaunda
60 mins

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