A Coach and the Lawyer

A Coach and the Lawyer Podcast

Schließen Sie sich Coach Deuce und Anwalt C.J. an, wenn sie Sport und Recht verbinden und unterhaltsame Diskussionen für Fans und Fachleute bieten.

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Episode 23 - 6/8/2017 - A Coach and The Lawyer- One and Done No More? Somebody give this man a job!

34 mins • Jun 8, 2017

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Jun 8, 2017

Episode 23 - 6/8/2017 - A Coach and The Lawyer- One and Done No More? Somebody give this man a job!

34 mins

May 25, 2017

Episode 22 - 5/25/2017 - A Coach and The Lawyer- "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth"

52 mins

May 17, 2017

Episode 21 - 5/17/2017 - A Coach and The Lawyer- "Stop whining...We're finally legal."

50 mins

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