Shiksha Abhiyan

Rational Number | Real Number | CBSE | Class 10 | Math

In diesem Podcast werden wichtige Themen der Mathematik für die CBSE-Klasse 10 besprochen. Besuchen Sie unbedingt unseren YouTube-Kanal für ein neues virtuelles Lernerlebnis.

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Q5. Express 0.254¯ as a fraction in simplest form.

3 mins • Sep 23, 2020

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Sep 23, 2020

Q5. Express 0.254¯ as a fraction in simplest form.

3 mins

Sep 23, 2020

Q4. Express 0.38¯ as a fraction in simplest form.

2 mins

Sep 23, 2020

Q3. Express each of the following as a rational number in simplest form. (i)1.16¯

3 mins

Sep 23, 2020

Q2. Express each of the following as a rational number in simplest form. (i)1.8¯

2 mins

Sep 23, 2020

Q1. Express each of the following as a rational number in simplest form. (i)0.6¯

2 mins

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