Ariyona jefferson

No more tears

Begleite Ariyona Jefferson, eine inspirierende 18-Jährige, während sie praktische Tipps für persönliches Wachstum und ehrliche Reflexionen über die Überwindung der Herausforderungen des Lebens teilt.

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Things to know about adjusting to becoming a college student for incoming freshman’s.

S6 E7 • 12 mins • May 10, 2023

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May 10, 2023

Things to know about adjusting to becoming a college student for incoming freshman’s.

S6 E7 • 12 mins

May 7, 2023

How do I stay happy as someone who has faced depression consistently?

S6 E6 • 13 mins

May 1, 2023

I’m scared people I care about will leave my life. Help for an anxious attached baddie.

S6 E5 • 14 mins

Mar 9, 2023

How much do I feel I’m worth? Am I worthless? Am I setting enough boundaries?

S6 E4 • 16 mins

Jan 31, 2023

Why did I leave? Why should you leave?

S6 E3 • 14 mins

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