Dumpster Fire Discussions

Discussions Around the Dumpster Fire

Begleiten Sie uns zu offenen Gesprächen über Politik, Popkultur und globale Ereignisse, die persönliche Berichte und einzigartige Perspektiven zu den chaotischsten Momenten der Gesellschaft bieten.

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Episode 7: 12/29/2021 Discussions about the college loan forgiveness fiasco!

36 mins • Jan 6, 2022

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Jan 6, 2022

Episode 7: 12/29/2021 Discussions about the college loan forgiveness fiasco!

36 mins

Dec 29, 2021

Episode 6: 12/28/2021 Discussions about the Delta Airlines "Slapping Karen", a family removed from Applebee's in NYC, new kids mandates

38 mins

Dec 21, 2021

Episode 5. Is the Vaccine really safe for your children?

24 mins

Dec 14, 2021

Episode 4. Discussing the topics of the day December 8th, 2021

47 mins

Dec 11, 2021

Episode 3. Discussing the topics of the day for December 7th, 2021

41 mins

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