Schau Ashley und ihrer Familie zu, wie sie über das Leben, Beziehungen, College und die lustigen Streiche in ihrem Haushalt sprechen. Sei dabei für unterhaltsame Momente!
life & my relationship status
10 mins • Sep 15, 2021
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Sep 15, 2021
life & my relationship status
10 mins

Sep 6, 2021
deep rooted insecurities, having no friends, getting through hard times, and ADOPTING A CAT!
41 mins

Aug 9, 2021
chatting w/ MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS (Kevin & Asher) // college, the impact of teen fiction books, & life in general LOL
63 mins

Jul 25, 2021
THE COLLEGE ADVICE WE WISH WE HAD (ft. AMBER) how to actually make friends & introduce yourself, choosing your major, community vs. 4 year college, gap years, & MORE!
64 mins

Jul 18, 2021
♡ THE POD IS BACK! (lots of updates - new apartment & post grad life!) ♡
27 mins

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