London School of Economics and Political Science
Summer 2012 | Public lectures and events | Audio and pdf
Erkunden Sie ansprechende Audio- und PDF-Inhalte aus den Sommervorträgen und -veranstaltungen der LSE im Jahr 2012, die aufschlussreiche Diskussionen und Präsentationen für alle Zielgruppen bieten.
Can the next US President make America 'great' again?
84 mins • Aug 2, 2012
- 163Decreased by 6
- 124Decreased by 1
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Aug 2, 2012
Can the next US President make America 'great' again?
84 mins

Jul 30, 2012
From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia
78 mins

Jul 24, 2012
Britain should stay in the European Union
88 mins

Jul 11, 2012
A Conversation with President Bill Clinton
92 mins

Jul 10, 2012
Family Planning: Why Do We Need a London Summit?
88 mins