Veken Bakrad - Veken Bakrad: Investing For Beginners, Learn How To Invest Money, Build Better Return On Investments

Investing For Beginners Podcast: Learn How To Invest Money And Get Better Return On Investment

It is an undeniable fact that investing is a dirty niche with a massive amount of expertise required. So how can you find practical techniques to get your investments to the next level? Here is my story: I went out to a hookah lounge, asked people why they hated investing and what was holding them back from reaching financial confidence(freedom). Their responses were shocking! I really wanted to know why the middle class will never be rich. At 3:27 PM, I discovered best excuses that hold us back from reaching our full potential in life! They stated that they hated investing because they thought it was game of luck (50/50 chance to make money), thought investing is unpredictable and requires a lot of effort & research, must be really smart & slick in order to invest, can lead to a lot of headaches and lastly investing could be considered as gambling your hard earned money. I thought these were amazing excuses, but I realized everyone had their own personal story of a friend or a family member that has lost money in investing and they were scared to risk for themselves. I learned that day losing money hurts, but living paycheck to paycheck sucks even more. By diversifying my investments it can drastically improve my odds of achieving financial confidence one day. I then decided to build “Investing For Beginners: Learn How To Invest Money And Get The Best Return On Investment” podcast to help those who want to get started but are not sure how & what to invest into. I, Veken Bakrad, twice a week I interview top investing experts to deconstruct their investing journey and get super easy actionable tips, tricks and tactics...Don't miss out on the proven and tested super actionable techniques given by the experts. Will do my best to bring you high quality interviews with a ton of valuable free information. Their advice are designed to help you learn how to invest money, grow your investments and build long term wealth..

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