S_Mason Placzek

Morning routines! How do you get BACK onto your planned day / Routine, AFTER negative Morning?

Lerne, wie du dich von einem schlechten Start erholst und deinen Tag zurückeroberst. Teile deine Geschichten und erhalte Tipps, um positiv zu bleiben und deine Routine effektiv wiederherzustellen.

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"Someone/Something RUINED MY ROUTINE THIS MORNING! How do YOU STAY POSITIVE & HANDLE Getting that DAILY RITUAL Back?" Beung knocked off balance in the morning? "how"?! This way! Skyler's Morning...

S1 E2 • 27 mins • Apr 7, 2020

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Apr 7, 2020

"Someone/Something RUINED MY ROUTINE THIS MORNING! How do YOU STAY POSITIVE & HANDLE Getting that DAILY RITUAL Back?" Beung knocked off balance in the morning? "how"?! This way! Skyler's Morning...

S1 E2 • 27 mins

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