S_Mason Placzek

Morning routines! How do you get BACK onto your planned day / Routine, AFTER negative Morning?

Aprenda a se recuperar de um começo difícil e retomar seu dia. Compartilhe suas histórias e receba dicas para manter uma atitude positiva e restaurar sua rotina de forma eficaz.

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"Someone/Something RUINED MY ROUTINE THIS MORNING! How do YOU STAY POSITIVE & HANDLE Getting that DAILY RITUAL Back?" Beung knocked off balance in the morning? "how"?! This way! Skyler's Morning...

S1 E2 • 27 mins • Apr 7, 2020

Episódios recentes

Apr 7, 2020

"Someone/Something RUINED MY ROUTINE THIS MORNING! How do YOU STAY POSITIVE & HANDLE Getting that DAILY RITUAL Back?" Beung knocked off balance in the morning? "how"?! This way! Skyler's Morning...

S1 E2 • 27 mins

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