
Frontline Magic Podcast

Hören Sie zu, wie führende Experten ihre Erkenntnisse über die Schaffung unvergesslicher Kundenerlebnisse teilen. Erfahren Sie, was Kunden in jeder Interaktion loyal und engagiert hält.

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30. Create a Voice of the Customer Program that Highlights your Service Standard with Stacy Armijo, Chief Experience Officer at Amplify Credit Union

S3 E30 • 42 mins • Aug 26, 2022

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Aug 26, 2022

30. Create a Voice of the Customer Program that Highlights your Service Standard with Stacy Armijo, Chief Experience Officer at Amplify Credit Union

S3 E30 • 42 mins

Aug 18, 2022

29. The Future of CX with Tom DeWitt, Ph.D. CXM@MSU

S3 E29 • 27 mins

Aug 11, 2022

28. Build a Company Culture Obsessed with EX with Samantha Gadd, Founder & CEO HUMANKIND

S3 E28 • 18 mins

Mar 30, 2022

24. Ritz Carlton on delivering five star customer experience with Horst Schulze, Co-founder

S3 E24 • 33 mins

Mar 23, 2022

23. Barry's on how to grow your customer service ‘gains’ with Devin Murphy, Senior Vice President of Operations

S3 E23 • 25 mins

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