Katie Faye

Rat and Dave Save the Day

Schließe dich zwei Freunden an, während sie frei in ihrem Auto plaudern, an unerwarteten Orten parken, leckere Snacks genießen und ihre Gedanken über das Leben und alles dazwischen teilen.

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Episode 7: talking about what boy’s _____ says about them while in a random parking lot

S1 E7 • 37 mins • Aug 27, 2020

Neueste Folgen

Aug 27, 2020

Episode 7: talking about what boy’s _____ says about them while in a random parking lot

S1 E7 • 37 mins

Aug 16, 2020

Episode 6: talking about our ideal boys in a target parking lot

S1 E6 • 33 mins

Aug 9, 2020

Episode 5: talking about 5 specific boys in a parking lot

S1 E5 • 38 mins

Jul 10, 2020

Episode 4: talking about the absence of boys in our lives in an in-n-out parking lot

S1 E4 • 39 mins

Jul 2, 2020

Episode 3: shockingly talking about boys again but THIS time in a yogurt land parking lot

S1 E3 • 33 mins

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