Schließe dich zwei Freunden an, während sie frei in ihrem Auto plaudern, an unerwarteten Orten parken, leckere Snacks genießen und ihre Gedanken über das Leben und alles dazwischen teilen.
Episode 7: talking about what boy’s _____ says about them while in a random parking lot
S1 E7 • 37 mins • Aug 27, 2020
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Aug 27, 2020
Episode 7: talking about what boy’s _____ says about them while in a random parking lot
S1 E7 • 37 mins

Aug 16, 2020
Episode 6: talking about our ideal boys in a target parking lot
S1 E6 • 33 mins

Aug 9, 2020
Episode 5: talking about 5 specific boys in a parking lot
S1 E5 • 38 mins

Jul 10, 2020
Episode 4: talking about the absence of boys in our lives in an in-n-out parking lot
S1 E4 • 39 mins

Jul 2, 2020
Episode 3: shockingly talking about boys again but THIS time in a yogurt land parking lot
S1 E3 • 33 mins

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