Undressing Fashion

Undressing Fashion

Entdecken Sie mit Megan Bolotin und Eden Clingman, wie Psychologie und Mode zusammenhängen und Stil unser Leben durch spannende Diskussionen und Interviews prägt.

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Episode 8: The "Fashion Statements" exibition - Fashion and identity through the lens of curation

E8 • 44 mins • Apr 12, 2019

Neueste Folgen

Apr 12, 2019

Episode 8: The "Fashion Statements" exibition - Fashion and identity through the lens of curation

E8 • 44 mins

Mar 15, 2019

Episode 7: Leslie Gutstein - A perspective on the rise of modest fashion

E7 • 29 mins

Feb 28, 2019

Episode 6: Tamara Yovel Jones - A designer's perspective on wellbeing and creativity in the fashion industry

E6 • 44 mins

Jan 28, 2019

Episode 5: Dr Carolyn Mair - The fashion psychology pioneer

E5 • 27 mins

Jan 10, 2019

Episode 4: Shopology - the psychology behind shopping

E4 • 21 mins

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