Jacob Hyrum Nelson, Returned Missionary, LDS Mission Prep Specialist

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

Machen Sie sich bereit für Ihre Mission mit Einblicken und Ermutigungen von erfahrenen Missionaren und Kirchenführern. Gewinnen Sie Motivation und praktische Tipps für Ihre bevorstehende Reise.

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Ep5: Sam Beeson "Read the Book of Mormon every day. It transforms people. It changes them."

63 mins • Feb 20, 2017

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Feb 20, 2017

Ep5: Sam Beeson "Read the Book of Mormon every day. It transforms people. It changes them."

63 mins

Dec 1, 2016

Ep4: Eliza Johnson "One word... humility. That's it."

27 mins

Nov 8, 2016

Ep3: Kevin Clayson "Did you attempt to leave that individual better off and blessed?"

53 mins

Jul 11, 2016

Ep2: Matthew Johnson "...having the ability to have the Holy Ghost with you all the time."

27 mins

Jul 11, 2016

Ep1: Kyle Van Genderen "Be Yourself. God Called YOU."

45 mins

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