Hope Gurion

Fearless Product Leadership

Erforschen Sie Einblicke von erfahrenen Produktführern mit Hope Gurion, die reale Erfahrungen und Strategien teilt, um die Herausforderungen der Produktführung in verschiedenen Branchen zu meistern.

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Resource Allocation Antipatterns: What can go wrong? (7/7)

S4 E7 • 15 mins • Oct 24, 2023

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Oct 24, 2023

Resource Allocation Antipatterns: What can go wrong? (7/7)

S4 E7 • 15 mins

Oct 23, 2023

Resource Allocation's People Puzzle: How do you decide who goes where? (6/7)

S4 E7 • 34 mins

Oct 22, 2023

Making the Tough Choices: How do you develop your initial Resource Allocation plan? (5/7)

S4 E6 • 14 mins

Oct 21, 2023

Weighing the options: How do product leaders allocate resources to products in Explore and Invest? (4/7)

S4 E5 • 30 mins

Oct 20, 2023

Weighing the options: How do product leaders allocate resources to products in Maintain or Sustain? (3/7)

S4 E4 • 12 mins

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