Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge

The English Riots in 2011: A Discussion from Different Criminological Perspectives

Schließen Sie sich einem Expertengremium an, das die englischen Unruhen von 2011 aus sozialen, rechtlichen und persönlichen Perspektiven diskutiert.

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'The English Riots 2011: Part 6 - Commentary on the Film 'Riot Went Wrong'': Dexter Dias

E6 • 39 mins • May 24, 2012

Neueste Folgen

May 24, 2012

'The English Riots 2011: Part 6 - Commentary on the Film 'Riot Went Wrong'': Dexter Dias

E6 • 39 mins

May 24, 2012

'The English Riots 2011: Part 4 - The Riots from Prisoners' Perspectives': Alison Liebling

E4 • 15 mins

May 24, 2012

'The English Riots 2011: Part 5 - The Riots and Criminal Justice/Sentencing': Loraine Gelsthorpe

E5 • 8 mins

May 24, 2012

'The English Riots 2011: Part 3 - The Riots and the Police': Lawrence Sherman

E3 • 15 mins

May 24, 2012

'The English Riots 2011: Part 2 - The Riots from a Socio-Cultural Perspective': Ben Crewe

14 mins

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