Jason Lewis

The Fundraising Talent Podcast

Entdecken Sie spannende Fundraising-Themen im Fundraising Talent Podcast. Beteiligen Sie sich an Diskussionen, die wichtige Fragen aufgreifen und Ihre Strategien verbessern.

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Do fundraisers understand the nuances of corporate giving?

44 mins • May 29, 2023

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May 29, 2023

Do fundraisers understand the nuances of corporate giving?

44 mins

May 28, 2023

Are nonprofits relying on too much play-it-safe fundraising?

42 mins

May 3, 2023

What sets a good fundraiser apart from a great one?

53 mins

Apr 11, 2023

357 | Does your nonprofit need a Fundraising CEO at the helm?

39 mins

Mar 26, 2023

Is the traditional capital campaign overbuilt, highly inefficient, and clunky looking?

58 mins

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