
The Buyer's Journey

Dieser Podcast untersucht, wie Sie Ihre Vertriebs- und Marketingstrategien mit den Umsatzzielen in Einklang bringen können, um die Kundenakquisitionskosten zu senken und das Wachstum voranzutreiben.

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What is Your Value Proposition or Purple Cow? | Building a Better CAC #6

13 mins • Nov 9, 2020


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Neueste Folgen

Nov 9, 2020

What is Your Value Proposition or Purple Cow? | Building a Better CAC #6

13 mins

Nov 2, 2020

How is My Investment in Digital Marketing Allocated? | Building a Better CAC #5

12 mins

Oct 2, 2020

How is My Digital Marketing Budget Allocated? | Building a Better CAC #4

11 mins

Sep 29, 2020

What is the Lifetime Value and Lifetime Value Ratio of My Customers? | Building a Better CAC #3

8 mins

Sep 25, 2020

What is My Customer Acquisition Cost? | Building a Better CAC #2

9 mins

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