Design Huddle Podcast

UX Design Huddle

Schließen Sie sich einem Tech-Podcast an, in dem ein UX-Designer und ein Produktmanager mit kreativen Experten sprechen. Erfahren Sie, wie Design das tägliche Leben und Innovation prägt.

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Servando Sanchez, Creative Director at Regex SEO, talks about SEO and the business of web design

11 mins • Nov 15, 2021

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Nov 15, 2021

Servando Sanchez, Creative Director at Regex SEO, talks about SEO and the business of web design

11 mins

Nov 8, 2021

James Sommerville, ex VP Coca-Cola, speaks about setting up the agency Attik& designing the Love can and Known Unknown

43 mins

Nov 1, 2021

Welcome to the MetaVerse, what is it and why is Facebook doing it?

28 mins

Oct 25, 2021

Apples $19 polish cloth and Salt Bae's $1500 steak, genuis or ridiculous?

28 mins

Oct 18, 2021

What are super apps, and why have they taken Asia by storm?

32 mins

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