SHOTA の NIHONGO ポッドキャスト | Listen REAL Japanese

Listen x 3!! to Real Japanese anywhere and anytime. This podcast is to help improving your Japanese listening skill^^ During my journey of learning English, listening to a native speaker was the most helpful even though I didn't get it at the time. Though my experience, it has helped me a lot and now I am 100% sure that this way helps your journey of learning Japanese faster!! So I decided to speak mainly Japanese to make your ear get used to real Japanese;) いっしょにがんばっていこうね〜! ぜったい日本語うまくなるから、あきらめちゃだめだよ!

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Episodios recientes

Feb 1, 2022

【New Series】How to approach Japanese and become friend with them | 3 Guest speakers

S2 E1 • 23 mins

Jul 25, 2021

31. 10 Japanese phrases my sister uses often in her daily life

S1 E31 • 20 mins

Jun 27, 2021

30.『JLPT N4 - Listening』|Conversation between 2 people

S1 E30 • 8 mins

May 30, 2021

29. 『JLPT N4 - Listening』|Conversation between 2 people

S1 E29 • 6 mins

May 23, 2021

28. 『JLPT N4 - Listening』| What time did he arrive at school?

S1 E28 • 6 mins
