Welcome to being in love with the universe . Let's turn science into a delicious smoothie, okay? Let's add fun, curiosity, rationality, rigour, and blend it into one great milkshake. Contact: 'sitzbefly' on Instagram; to get in touch with our research platform Naxxatra, apply here: https://naxtra.club/catch-a-muon/
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Episodios recientes
Feb 23, 2020
A stroll through time and space: In conversation with Asia's youngest science museum curator
40 mins
Feb 4, 2020
Are we nearing our apocalypse? Just for a change, let's talk climate change!
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Sep 4, 2019
Cosmic afterglow and pigeon poop! The story of the discovery of CMB radiation
36 mins
Jul 6, 2019
Announcement! Launching Naxxatra, my brain child.
19 mins
May 16, 2019
Dude who's Euclid? : Mathematicians are abstract beings- Guest episode!
19 mins