Bart Merrell - International Entrepreneur

Monetize Your Mindset - Create Finacial Security Monetize what You Already Know

Bart Merrell from Monetize your mindset shares ideas and talks with entrepreneurs that have multiple streams of income. Discover how you can have multiple streams of income too by turning the things you are already doing into a stream of income whether you like doing those things are not. We ask these three questions: What do you like to do? What do you need to do? What are you already doing? Let's monetize it. The goal here is to create Financial Security by monetizing what you already know!, So that you have the resources to deal with what happens when what happens, happens. When life happens because it will happen. Money isn't everything unless you don't have any... or you don't have enough. There is no reason that you should not have enough.

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Épisodes récents

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MYM #92 Kelly Walker ~ Put Yourself Out There and See what Happens!

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MYM #90 Robert Fugal ~ Do you need an estate plan?

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