Stockholm Fashion Tech Talks 2017

Stockholm Fashion Tech Talks

Rejoignez des experts en mode et technologie pour discuter des tendances et idées qui façonnent l'industrie, favorisant créativité et collaboration pour un avenir élégant.

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Lauren Bowker, The Unseen: Magic is science that we don’t understand yet

23 mins • Jun 8, 2017


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Épisodes récents

Jun 8, 2017

Lauren Bowker, The Unseen: Magic is science that we don’t understand yet

23 mins

Jun 8, 2017

Rickard Lindqvist, Atacac: Dynamic pricing and the digital design paradigm – selling fashion like flight tickets

16 mins

Jun 8, 2017

Kirsty Emery, Unmade: Mass customisation and the new role of the fashion designer

16 mins

Jun 8, 2017

Jonas Larsson, Swedish School of Textiles: Digital tools towards positive impact

12 mins

Jun 8, 2017

Interview Emma Stjernlöf, Adidas with Elin Frendberg, Swedish Fashion Council

8 mins

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