Apple Podcasts – Austria – Cristianesimo
I migliori podcast in Austria dalle classifiche Apple Podcasts per Cristianesimo.
- 1Increased by 0Ascension
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- 2Increased by 28K-TV, Kephas Stiftung gemeinnützige GmbH
Die Stunde der Seelsorge
- 3Increased by 0Loretto Podcasts
- 4Increased by 41Matt Fradd
Pints With Aquinas
- 5NEWExodus 90
Desert Fathers in a Year (with Bishop Erik Varden)
- 6NEWChurchome
Churchome with Judah Smith
- 7Increased by 60Studio Omega
Diesseits von Eden - Gespräche über Gott & die Welt
- 8NEWradio horeb
Christ und Welt
- 9Increased by 68Girls Gone Bible
Girls Gone Bible
- 10Increased by 142Ascension
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- 11Decreased by 3Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich
Orden on Air - der Podcast der Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich
- 12Increased by 102Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons - Catholic Preaching and Homilies
- 13NEWThe Gospel Coalition, Nancy Guthrie
Help Me Teach The Bible
- 14Increased by 43Ally Yost
Christ With Coffee On Ice
- 15NEWMarkus Till
Bibel live - Der AiGG Podcast
- 16NEWDaniel Option
Daniel Option Podcast
- 17NEWradio horeb
Credo - Der Glaube der Kirche
- 18NEWHarvest Arad
Resurse pentru creștere - Cristian Barbosu
- 19NEWAscension
The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast
- 20Increased by 84Bishop Robert Barron
The Word on Fire Show - Catholic Faith and Culture
- 21NEWCamille Moody
Brain Vomit
- 22NEWEmy Moore
Saved Not Soft
- 24NEWFamille Chrétienne
Tous saints ! - Ces témoins de la foi racontés par Bénédicte Delelis
- 25NEWDiözese Eisenstadt
wort.stark. mit martinus
- 26NEWaliyah renee
- 27NEWMichelle Castro, Christian, Biblical Mindset, Kingdom Woman, Christian Marriage, Christian Parenting, Biblical Mindset, Christian Mindset, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian Living, married sex, christian intimacy
CONSIDER JESUS, Christian Moms, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family, Christian Intimacy, Christian Parenting
- 28NEWSamuel Abraham Perez
Christian In Progress
- 29Increased by 162glaubendenken
- 30NEWKeith Nester
Catholic Feedback
- 31NEWDie Tagespost
Katechismuspodcast der Tagespost
- 32Increased by 20Initiative Theologie des Leibes
Berufen zur Liebe
- 33Increased by 114Rainer Bucher
dieses eine leben
- 34Increased by 60Johannes Schwarz
Birett Ballett - Katholische Theologie erklärt
- 35NEWMatthew Bates, Matthew Lynch, Erin Heim, Dru Johnson, Amy Brown Hughes, & Chris Tilling
- 36Decreased by 32Thomas Kycia
Bibel to go. Die Lesungen des Tages
- 37NEWFSSP Podcast
- 38NEWMark Driscoll
The Real Marriage Podcast
- 39Increased by 90Michelle Engel und David Grüntjens
Frengels & Chef - Der Podcast
- 40NEWMalte Detje
Podcast – Malte Detje
- 41NEWJourneywomen Ministries
- 42NEWArmin Wunderli
Predigten in der Freikirche Purkersdorf
- 43NEWEglise Perpignan
Eglise Perpignan - Centre Chrétien du Roussillon
- 44NEWJustin Woodall
City Church St. Petersburg Podcast
- 45Decreased by 13Ascension
The Rosary in a Year (with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames)
- 46NEWWorthaus
Das Wort und das Fleisch
- 47Increased by 7Pfarrer Hans Spiegl
Tagebuch eines Pfarrers
- 48NEWAscension
The Bible in a Year - Malayalam
- 49Increased by 71Jan Primke - Produzent I Sprecher I Tonstudio
Die Losungen - Gottes Wort für jeden Tag.
- 50Increased by 93Jana&Jasmin
JANA&JASMIN – In Zeiten wie diesen...
- 51NEWSarah Werner, and Ancient Faith Ministries
Voices From St Vladimir's Seminary
- 52NEWKecskeméti Református Egyházközség Igehirdetések
- 53NEWSonja K. Oppermann
Mutmacher - Kleine Andacht zum Tag
- 54Increased by 119St. Vladimir's Seminary, and Ancient Faith Ministries
Give Me A Word
- 55Decreased by 49Nicola Vollkommer
Start in den Tag
- 56Decreased by 9Detlef Kühlein
- 57Decreased by 50Thru the Bible German
Durch die Bibel @
- 58Decreased by 34Jesuiten in Zentraleuropa
Einfach beten!
- 59Decreased by 10Leben ist mehr
Leben ist mehr
- 60Decreased by 58Tobias Sauer & Kira Beer
ausstehend - Was es am siebten Tag noch zu sagen gibt.
- 61Decreased by 49Zellgemeinde Bremen
Predigten aus der Zellgemeinde Bremen
- 62Increased by 10Joseph Prince
New Creation TV Podcast mit Pastor Joseph Prince
- 63Increased by 3Tim Keller
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life
- 64Decreased by 13Christus Zentrum Arche Elmshorn
Gedanken zur Tageslosung
- 65Increased by 67Center for Action and Contemplation
Turning to the Mystics with James Finley
- 66Decreased by 45Bayerischer Rundfunk
Religion - Die Dokumentation
- 67Increased by 19Crossway
Through the ESV Bible in a Year with Ray Ortlund
- 68Decreased by 559Marks
A Storm In The Desert—Podcast by 9Marks
- 69Decreased by 54Bruce Downes Catholic Ministries
Rosary Daily with Bruce Downes Catholic Ministries
- 70Decreased by 39ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Jess - Talkwerk
- 71Decreased by
- 72Decreased by 67Phylicia Masonheimer
Verity by Phylicia Masonheimer
- 73Decreased by 64J. Friedrichs & M. Michalzik
Hossa Talk
- 74Decreased by 64REALMODEL PODCAST
RealModel Podcast
- 75Increased by 44BibleProject Podcast
- 76Decreased by 65Christianity Today, Russell Moore
The Russell Moore Show
- 77Decreased by 55josia haupt
- 78Decreased by 64Jens Stangenberg
Fluide Kirche
- 79Decreased by 63Prof. Dr. Jürgen Boomgaarden
Christentum versenkt!? Fragen aus der Tiefe
- 80Increased by 100Bethel Redding
Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week
- 81NEWGuillermo Maldonado
KingJesus.TV en Español
- 82Decreased by
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope
- 83Increased by 44Worthaus
Worthaus Podcast
- 84Increased by 6DOMRADIO.DE
- 85Decreased by
- 87Decreased by 51with Emily P. Freeman
The Next Right Thing
- 88NEWAscension
Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz
- 89NEWR. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Briefing with Albert Mohler
- 91Decreased by 71Pfarrverband Retz
Fastenimpulse 2025
- 92Decreased by 74Kerstin Seeger (geb. ter Veen)
- 93Decreased by 9Tara-Leigh Cobble
The Bible Recap
- 94Decreased by 24EWTN.TV
Der Rosenkranz auf EWTN.TV
- 95Decreased by 769Marks
Bible Talk — A podcast by 9Marks
- 96Decreased by 57
Predigten aus St. Martini zu Bremen
- 97Increased by 31Kirche im NDR
Moment mal
- 98NEWcreedoocast
- 99Decreased by 59Move Church
Move Church - Campus Wiesbaden
- 100NEWJoyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Podcast
- 101NEWAmir Tsarfati
Behold Israel
- 102NEWBobby Schuller
Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church
- 103NEWLothar Krauss
- 104NEWDéborah Rosenkranz
Ein Wunder für jeden Tag
- 105NEWradio horeb
- 106Increased by 27Karl Michael Pilsl
Vers für Vers durch die Bibel
- 107Increased by 72Desiring God
Ask Pastor John
- 108NEWNancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Revive Our Hearts
- 109Decreased by
Laut + Leis
- 110Increased by 87Theology of the Body Institute
Ask Christopher West
- 111Decreased by 33radio horeb
- 112NEWFather Michael O'Loughlin and Mother Natalia
What God is Not
- 113NEWPure Desire Ministries
Pure Desire Podcast
- 114NEWG. Craige Lewis
Focused Prayer with G. Craige Lewis
- 115Decreased by 92Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
Bibel in einem Jahr Express
- 116Decreased by 91Fiti Oameni
Cristi Boariu
- 117Decreased by 91Christus-Forum Kiel
Christus-Forum Kiel
- 118Decreased by 91The Mission North Shore
The Mission North Shore - Current Teaching
- 119Decreased by 91Sunset Beach Christian Church
Sunset Beach Podcast
- 120Decreased by 91NSCF
North Shore Christian Fellowship
- 121NEWICF Zürich
Sunday Night ON AIR
- 122NEWGella
- 123Increased by 7NDR
Gesegneten Abend
- 124Decreased by 50The Perrys
With The Perrys
- 125Decreased by 33ERB Frankfurt
Predigten der ERB Frankfurt
- 126Decreased by 80Desiring God
Light + Truth
- 127Decreased by 28ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Das Gespräch
St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
- 129NEWThe Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network
A Catholic Take
- 130Increased by 1Stephen Boyce and Tyler West
- 131NEWDr. Werner Kleine
- 132NEWradio horeb
- 133NEWSTH Basel
- 134NEWTheopolis Institute
The Civitas Podcast
- 135NEWMiroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, Ryan McAnnally-Linz, Drew Collins, Evan Rosa
For the Life of the World / Yale Center for Faith & Culture
- 136NEWLifestyle Christianity
Todd White
- 137Decreased by 14Sadie Robertson Huff
WHOA That's Good Podcast
- 138Increased by 61Faith Matters Foundation
Faith Matters
- 139NEWCatholic Answers
Shameless Popery
- 140Increased by 4510 Minutos con Jesús
10 Minuten mit Jesus
- 141Increased by 4Ligonier Ministries
Renewing Your Mind
- 142Decreased by 5ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Bibel heute
- 143Increased by 38The Theology Pugcast
The Theology Pugcast
- 144Decreased by 59Ben Ward // Steady Stream
Morning Prayer and Worship
- 145NEWGavin Ortlund
Truth Unites
- 146Decreased by 8ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Wort zum Tag
- 147NEWFeG München Mitte
FeG München Mitte Predigt Podcast
- 148NEWradio horeb
Papst Franziskus
- 149Decreased by 13Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen
- 150NEWNina Heereman und Justus Geilhufe
Unter Heiden
Oh du heiliges Geld
- 152NEWGateway Church
Gateway Church's Podcast
- 153NEWLeonardo De Chirico, Reid Karr, Clay Kannard
The Reformanda Initiative
- 154NEWJürgen Fischer
Frogwords Mini-Predigt
- 155NEWDr D.K. Olukoya
Dr D.K. Olukoya
- 156NEWevangelische freikirche köln
- 157NEWTim Weinheimer
Die Bibel in ihrer Welt
- 158Decreased by 125Life.Church
Life.Church with Craig Groeschel
- 159Decreased by 122amazing discoveries e. V.
DasWort - Der Körper heilt sich selbst #1 - Barbara O'Neill
- 160Increased by
- 161Decreased by 127Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf, Nathanael Winkler, Norbert Lieth, Thomas Lieth, Samuel Rindlisbacher, Elia Morise, Fredy Peter, Roger Liebi, Philipp Ottenburg
- 162Decreased by 121Pete Scazzero
The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast
- 163Decreased by 121Adventist Frontier Missions
Frontier Missions Journal
- 164Decreased by 121Deutschlands Seelen Gewinnen
Stimme wie eine Posaune (Biblische Predigten)
- 165Decreased by 121Pastor Tommy McMurtry
The Spirit of Prophecy Podcast
- 166Decreased by 20Katholische Fernseharbeit, Frankfurt am Main
- 167NEWThe Gospel Coalition
TGC Podcast
- 168Decreased by 46Joel Media Ministry e.V. / Christopher Kramp
Der Ersehnte
- 169Decreased by 131Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast
- 170NEWPastor Obed Matus
Pastor Obed Matus — Sabbath School Bible Study Guide — Seventh-day Adventist Church
- 171NEWSathiya Sam
Man Within Podcast
- 172NEWSomething More®
Ask us anything
Prières inspirées EMCI TV
- 174NEWMark Goodacre
NT Pod
- 175NEWBethel Redding Translations
Bethel Redding Проповедь Недели
- 176NEWLemon Price, Christian Business Mentor, Leadership, Life Coaching, Speaker, Homesteader, Top Network Marketing Leader, Proverbs 31
Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
- 177NEWWiederum steht geschrieben...
- 178NEWradio horeb
Grundkurs des Glaubens
- 179NEWFCG-Graz
Freie Christengemeinde Graz
- 180Decreased by 63Bayerischer Rundfunk
Auf ein Wort
- 181Decreased by 19ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Plus - Anstoß
- 182Decreased by 19Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
- 183Decreased by 19Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Kirche in WDR 2
- 184Decreased by 31Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
MDR SACHSEN - Wort zum Tag
- 185NEWRich and DawnCheré Wilkerson
VOUS Church
- 186Decreased by 136Practicing the Way
Practicing the Way
- 187Decreased by 39hr4
hr4 Übrigens ...
- 188Decreased by 77My Catholic Life!
Catholic Daily Reflections
- 189Decreased by 89WTDT Studios
Why They Did That
- 190Decreased by 75Fortis Institute
Wretched Radio with Todd Friel
- 191Decreased by 112ERF - Der Sinnsender
ERF Mensch Gott (Video)
- 192NEWPremier Unbelievable
Ask NT Wright Anything
- 193Decreased by 72Gerth Medien
Der Flügelverleih
- 194Decreased by 12Kristell Köhler, Till Magnus Steiner
In Principio
The Disciple Maker‘s Podcast
- 196Decreased by 91iHeartPodcasts
Elevation with Steven Furtick
- 197NEWFiti Oameni
Fiti Oameni
- 198Decreased by 97Etoile Notre Dame
Les Rosaires avec Etoile Notre Dame
- 199Decreased by 93Our Daily Bread Ministries
Our Daily Bread Podcast | Our Daily Bread
- 200NEWCatholic Answers
Catholic Answers Live