Esplora la crescita personale e la trasformazione attraverso discussioni approfondite che ti aiutano a superare gli ostacoli e allinearti con il tuo vero scopo per una vita appagante.
05. The merry go round of attracting relationships that make you feel unworthy and how this links to your purpose
51 mins • Jun 9, 2023
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Episodi recenti

Jun 9, 2023
05. The merry go round of attracting relationships that make you feel unworthy and how this links to your purpose
51 mins

Jun 4, 2023
04. The false illusion of chasing what is outside of us and breaking the spells of the matrix
S2 E4 • 33 mins

Mar 8, 2023
03. Discovering your cosmic place in the world using Astrogeography with special guest Melissa Lambour
S2 E3 • 44 mins

Feb 22, 2023
02. Why your triggers are here to help you
27 mins

Feb 13, 2023
01. Why cultivating self trust is the best way to take back your power and how you can build more self trust
S2 E1 • 43 mins

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