Yancey Strickler

The Ideaspace

Unisciti a Yancey Strickler mentre interagisce con menti influenti per esplorare concetti innovativi di valore e identità in discussioni stimolanti.

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Artist Rafaël Rozendaal on NFTs and how the art world is like a video game

S1 E15 • 64 mins • May 21, 2021

Episodi recenti

May 21, 2021

Artist Rafaël Rozendaal on NFTs and how the art world is like a video game

S1 E15 • 64 mins

May 14, 2021

Author Eric Wargo on dreams, premonitions, and the long self

S1 E14 • 112 mins

May 7, 2021

Roundtable: What gets measured and what doesn't get measured

S1 E13 • 103 mins

Apr 21, 2021

Extinction Rebellion cofounder Clare Farrell on moving from hope to action

S1 E12 • 85 mins

Apr 14, 2021

Scientist Jeff Hammerbacher on what gets measured

S1 E11 • 98 mins

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