The WADI Podcast

The World Apologetics and Discipleship Institute

Esplora una vasta piattaforma video che offre corsi e risorse per potenziare la chiesa nella condivisione del Vangelo con la comunità musulmana. Interagisci con approfondimenti di esperti.

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1. Introduction to Great Commission Fulfillment

32 mins • May 16, 2022

Episodi recenti

May 16, 2022

1. Introduction to Great Commission Fulfillment

32 mins

May 16, 2022

2. Foundations of Missions Hermeutics

35 mins

May 16, 2022

3. The Upper Room Discourse as Perdictive Missions

38 mins

May 16, 2022

4. 1-2-3 Obey the Great Commission

34 mins

May 16, 2022

5. The Post Pentecost Missions Pattern

24 mins

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