Lydia Reeves

My vulva and I


Esplora un'esposizione di Lydia Reeves che mette in risalto le esperienze e le storie diverse di individui connessi alle loro vulve, celebrando la positività corporea e l'identità.

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200. Why are we all so confused?

E200 • 1 mins • Aug 27, 2021

Episodi recenti

Aug 27, 2021

200. Why are we all so confused?

E200 • 1 mins

Aug 27, 2021

199. Those talks never came and I felt too shy to ask.

E199 • 1 mins

Aug 27, 2021

198. I began to look at myself with kindness rather than criticism.

E198 • 1 mins

Aug 27, 2021

197. I love you with all your shapes, layers and cavities.

E197 • 1 mins

Aug 27, 2021

196. I decided that my labia were grotesquely oversized and disgusting.

E196 • 2 mins

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