Before They Change The World

Before They Change The World

Esplora le storie di giovani innovatori visionari come Mark Zuckerberg ed Elon Musk, rivelando le loro aspirazioni, le vite quotidiane e i percorsi che hanno intrapreso per raggiungere il successo.

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#17 - Bringing back Rockets from Space | Anna Sulzer | PERIPHAS

70 mins • Jul 17, 2023

Episodi recenti

Jul 17, 2023

#17 - Bringing back Rockets from Space | Anna Sulzer | PERIPHAS

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#15 - Using seaweed to replace plastic | Jessica Farda

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#13 - Starting a company right after high-school, Kork, Rocketlaunch, Forbes 30u30 | Noah Faoro

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