Australian Writers' Centre
Murder and Mayhem: Get inside the dark minds of the world’s top crime and thriller writers.
Unisciti a noi per un coinvolgente podcast che esplora gli aspetti intriganti e sinistri della scrittura di crimine e thriller. Incontra gli autori dietro affascinanti racconti di bene e male.
MURDER MAYHEM 30: Bronwyn Parry has published 10 books, and shortlisted for the 2016 Davitt Award. @BronwynParry
27 mins • Aug 29, 2016
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Episodi recenti

Aug 29, 2016
MURDER MAYHEM 30: Bronwyn Parry has published 10 books, and shortlisted for the 2016 Davitt Award. @BronwynParry
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Aug 28, 2016
MURDER MAYHEM 29: Liane Moriarty is the only Aussie author to debut at #1 on the NYT bestseller list. #lianemoriarty
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Aug 27, 2016
MURDER MAYHEM 28: Drew Chapman is the American crime author of The King of Fear and The Ascendant. @AndrewDChapman
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Aug 26, 2016
MURDER MAYHEM 27: Greg Barron is author of novels Rotten Gods, Savage Tide and Lethal Sky. @gjbarronbooks
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Aug 25, 2016
MURDER MAYHEM 26: Michael MacConnell is an author who is renowned for his thriller novels Splinter and Maelstrom.
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