BBC Radio 4

Smart Consumer

Esplora consigli pratici e approfondimenti su come spendere saggiamente e fare scelte informate riguardo a prodotti e servizi per migliorare la tua vita quotidiana.

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Coronavirus: Advice for parents coping with the kids being at home now the schools are closing their doors.

19 mins • Mar 19, 2020

Episodi recenti

Mar 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Advice for parents coping with the kids being at home now the schools are closing their doors.

19 mins

Mar 12, 2020

Getting your finances under control in your twenties.

26 mins

Feb 26, 2020

How beauty influencers encourage us to buy and wear more Makeup

24 mins

Feb 19, 2020

Eating in or dining out....what do you want for breakfast?

14 mins

Feb 14, 2020

Why don't people see working as a waiter as a career - and why as diners do we dismiss them?

11 mins

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