
Caste in the USA

Unisciti a una discussione sincera con indiani e indiano-americani mentre affrontano la discriminazione di casta negli Stati Uniti, mettendo in luce i suoi parallelismi con le esperienze in India.

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14: Casteism among South Asian Christians in the US

E14 • 39 mins • Dec 14, 2020

Episodi recenti

Dec 14, 2020

14: Casteism among South Asian Christians in the US

E14 • 39 mins

Dec 14, 2020

14: Casteism among South Asian Christians in the US

E14 • 39 mins

Dec 10, 2020

13: How women's bodies are used to reinforce caste hierarchy

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Dec 10, 2020

13: How women's bodies are used to reinforce caste hierarchy

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Dec 7, 2020

12: Caste hegemony in the tech world

E12 • 35 mins

Stati Uniti
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