Ed Kemp

The Wide Open Road

Esplora le storie sincere di atleti in pensione mentre affrontano la vita dopo lo sport. Questo podcast offre preziose intuizioni per gli atleti attuali che affrontano transizioni nella carriera.

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The Wide Open Road - Christmas Message

E27 • 4 mins • Dec 17, 2021


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Episodi recenti

Dec 17, 2021

The Wide Open Road - Christmas Message

E27 • 4 mins

Nov 12, 2021

How an open mind, a willingness to learn from your mistakes and leveraging your experiences can pave the way to a smooth transition to life after sport

E26 • 46 mins

Oct 27, 2021

How starting early, leveraging the resources at your disposal, self reflection and knowing yourself are critical when planning a successful transition to life after sport

E25 • 43 mins

Oct 13, 2021

How a COVID-19 enforced break provided the mental space needed for an elite Australian cyclist to start thinking about priorities away from sport, and led to a transition ‘gap’ year.

E24 • 44 mins

Oct 1, 2021

How making use of an enforced injury layoff became a blessing in disguise for an Olympic champion, and a launching pad to a smooth transition to life after sport.

E23 • 39 mins

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