Secular Lotus Buddhists

Secular Lotus Buddhists

Esplora un movimento di base incentrato sul buddismo laico ispirato al Sutra del Loto. Abbraccia una pratica di meditazione pratica che incoraggia la crescita personale e il supporto della comunità.

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Looking forward and updates in a pandemic world

S1 E20 • 39 mins • Aug 2, 2020

Episodi recenti

Aug 2, 2020

Looking forward and updates in a pandemic world

S1 E20 • 39 mins

Jun 19, 2020

Why I left Nichiren Shoshū and created Secular Lotus Buddhists and other news

S1 E12 • 56 mins

Jun 7, 2020

The Dharma is the Path. Various methods of traveling the path.

S1 E10 • 35 mins

Jun 4, 2020

Buddhists and humanists in total solidarity with the George Floyd family and community, protests

S1 E8 • 37 mins

May 30, 2020

Solidarity during Rebellion against racist murder and a plague

S1 E6 • 45 mins

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