Janine O'Keeffe & Stefan Gsänger


Unisciti a Janine O’Keeffe e Stefan Gsänger mentre esplorano soluzioni locali per combattere il cambiamento climatico. Ascolta esperti globali su come superare gli ostacoli e promuovere l'azione.

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Sabotage for the climate? A court case from Sweden | Stefan Gsänger interviews Janine O’Keeffe

S1 E14 • 58 mins • Jun 2, 2023

Episodi recenti

Jun 2, 2023

Sabotage for the climate? A court case from Sweden | Stefan Gsänger interviews Janine O’Keeffe

S1 E14 • 58 mins

May 26, 2023

How the Renewable Energy Movement started in Denmark and spread around the World | with Jane Kruse, Nordic Folkecenter, Denmark

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What are key messages from the IPCC report? With Muhammad Irfan Tariq (IPCC), Pakistan

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Apr 21, 2023

Defining ecocide as a legal tool to fight the climate crisis | with Pia Björstrand, #lawyersforfuture

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Apr 6, 2023

Wind Power around the World – why has the deployment recently been slowing down?

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