Questo podcast fornisce consigli utili per trasferirsi negli Stati Uniti, dai visti agli adattamenti culturali, con storie vere e suggerimenti di esperti per i nuovi arrivati.
- 47Decreased by 9
- 135Decreased by 14
- 35Decreased by 9
- 49Increased by 77
- 185Decreased by 1
Episodi recenti
Mar 31, 2020
James Isilay of Cognism: Moving Company Culture to the US
S2 E30 • 46 mins
Mar 17, 2020
Alex Klein, CEO at Kano: Computer Design As Simple As Lego
S2 E29 • 28 mins
Mar 2, 2020
Alan Donegan: Ins and Outs of a Nomadic Business
S2 E28 • 58 mins
Feb 17, 2020
Maeve Kneafsey of CloudKPI: A Female Tech Founder in the US
S2 E27 • 38 mins
Feb 3, 2020
Murali Akella of TransferWise: Not a Job, But a Revolution
S2 E27 • 49 mins
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