Travel Lovers: Jason, software legend + Catie, travel guru + Sofia, smile master

following the funks podcast

Unisciti a questa coppia divertente mentre raccontano le loro avventure nella piccola città dell'Iowa, le ricette e i viaggi entusiasmanti all'estero.

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Episode 50: When you move on to new things

• Apr 9, 2018


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Episodi recenti

Apr 9, 2018

Episode 50: When you move on to new things

Mar 26, 2018

Episode049: When you share your love of podcasts

Mar 12, 2018

Episode048: When it’s time to say interesting things

Feb 26, 2018

Episode047: When you kill one bird with two stones

Feb 5, 2018

Episode 046: When you get scammed by a shoe shiner

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