Efrain C., Hope J., Maria R., Sanjay A.L.

Designer Genes: A Conversation about CRISPR

Unisciti a quattro appassionati studenti di biologia mentre discutono della rivoluzionaria tecnologia CRISPR-Cas9, esplorando i suoi potenziali benefici e i dilemmi etici per il nostro futuro.

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Episode 3: Ethical Concerns of CRISPR in Future Scientific and Medical Settings

32 mins • May 11, 2021

Episodi recenti

May 11, 2021

Episode 3: Ethical Concerns of CRISPR in Future Scientific and Medical Settings

32 mins

May 11, 2021

Episode 2: The History and Current State of CRISPR Technology

S1 E2 • 28 mins

May 11, 2021

Episode 1: Treating Genetic Diseases and the History of Genetic Engineering

S1 E1 • 15 mins

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